Friday, June 16, 2006

Quick tip of the day: Field Updates.

When do you want your fields to update? save, regen, plot, etc. I personally prefer either save or regen. So how do you get it to update during these commands? You need to change the FIELDEVAL system variable. At the command prompt type FIELDEVAL.

Code: Action

0: Not Updated

1: Updated on open

2: Updated on save

4: Updated on plot

8: Updated on use of ETRANSMIT

16: Updated on regeneration

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

New C3D Commandments

First I want to say, I'm really not trying to be negative or poke fun at C3D. While a lot of my posts are in regards to some of the bugs of late, I do plan to add some tips instead of always pointing out the flaws. However, time just keeps slipping, slipping into the future (just try and get the song out of your head now). My posts are just some of the new things I have not seen reported on the Discussion Board or on any other Blogs for that matter and I think it needs to be reported. I truly want this Blog to be helpful and fun for the Autodesk and C3D community.

That being said, here are some new commandments that should be integrated into your regularly scheduled program. This is EXTREMELY important if you have a underpowered machine in relation to the new minimum requirements as put forth by Autodesk.

The Gospel According to Mark

commandment # 123546.124

commandment # 123546.125

Try either of the above and you will likely cause your own demise. Don't even think about it if you are underpowered. If you happen to do either of the above, time between actual performance of the above tasks and crash may vary. Good Luck, and God Speed!

Don't say I didn't warn ya!

P.S. Thanks for visiting and feel free to drop me a line.